5 important questions to ask an officiant before making your choice
May 30, 20235 questions to ask yourself before choosing a loved one to officiate your ceremony
You have decided to use a secular ceremony to celebrate your union but you are hesitating between asking a loved one and offering the services of a professional officiant.
Choosing a loved one as officiant often seems obvious. Indeed, your loved ones are those who know you best and are therefore in the best position to put together a ceremony that suits you! And hop ! It's decided !
Really ? Before making a final decision and jumping on the phone to call your future officiant, take the time to ask yourself the following questions:
1st question : Are you sure you can choose a loved one without offending the sensitivity of other people around you ? Why choose your brother rather than your sister? Why one friend rather than another? Why someone close to you rather than your other half?
2nd question : Does the chosen person know you both well? Indeed, if you choose your best friend who you met at nursery school but she has only known your partner since you met 2 years ago, she may tend to talk more about you than about your partner. soul mate, which will create an imbalance.
3rd question : Are you sure that the chosen person has the necessary time ? She may not dare refuse your offer, for fear of offending you, but know that preparing a ceremony is time-consuming. Indeed, he will have to collect information from you, discuss with your loved ones, write the script, organize the interventions, decide on the music with you and so on. So make sure that the chosen loved one's professional or personal activities don't already take up all their time, otherwise your ceremony risks being botched.
4th question : Does the chosen person have the necessary skills to be an officiant ? An officiant must be very organized, attentive to details and conciliatory (Listening, advising without imposing). Additionally, it is obvious that his writing skills must be excellent and he must be completely comfortable with public speaking.
5th question : Isn't the Chosen One too shy or, on the contrary, too extroverted ? If you choose a shy and reserved person who turns bright red every time they have to say a word in public, they risk having insomnia during the entire preparation period and, even worse, losing all their skills on the Big Day! Forget the romance of your ceremony if your officiant babbles every sentence and shakes uncontrollably! Do not inflict this ordeal on a loved one who is not used to speaking in public.
Also, don't choose someone who is too comfortable and likes to be the center of attention because they will enjoy playing the role of officiant so much that they risk forgetting that the ceremony is supposed to focus on you rather than on her.
5 questions to ask yourself before choosing a loved one to officiate your ceremony
Are you still hesitant? Perhaps the article The 5 key roles of the ceremonial officiant will help you make your choice.