Towards a revolution in wedding traditions?
September 29, 2016What is a Secular Ceremony?
A secular ceremony also called a symbolic ceremony is a non-religious ceremony performed by a secular ceremony officiant.
Because it has no legal value, the secular ceremony offers you great flexibility: It can take place in the place of your choice, most often outdoors and imposes no constraints on you as to its content or its progress. .
Indeed, the secular ceremony allows you, precisely because it is symbolic, to express your personality, your desire to respect traditions or, on the contrary, to show originality to celebrate your marriage, your PACS or your renewal of vows. .
The secular ceremony is ideal for couples who:
– Do not wish to get married in church for various reasons (non-believers, divorced, different religious beliefs, same-sex couples, etc.)
– Wish to celebrate their union in a more personal way in addition to the civil marriage ceremony which they consider too hasty and impersonal.
– Have always dreamed of a ceremony in the gardens of a pretty castle, in a private chapel, in a field, a barn or quite simply in their family home, which is impossible, except in exceptional circumstances, with the civil ceremony which must be celebrated in the places where the marriage registers are located, that is to say in the town hall premises.
The secular ceremony is still a little-known concept and many couples do not know that the profession of officiant exists . This is why they often use the services of a loved one who is entrusted with the important mission of preparing and hosting this crucial event and managing the couple's expectations. If this mission is considered an honor, it can also be perceived as a heavy responsibility with its share of stress.
The good news is that, over the past ten years or so, the profession of officiant has become more professional , which allows couples to obtain a quality service that meets their requirements and desires.
Depending on the couples' tastes, the secular ceremony can be very similar to a religious ceremony, full of traditions and solemnity but all celebrated in a more relaxed atmosphere and with more personal content. It can also reflect the desire for originality of the future bride and groom if, for example, they wish to make their entrance together, to music, with their friends or their pet!
Couples can exchange their wedding rings or any other object of their choice. They can exchange their wishes in a personal way, together, in song or by reading a poem to each other. The secular ceremony can be an opportunity to involve the guests through personal interventions, concocted in secret with the officiant and friendly rituals that are easy to put in place.
If you would like additional information on the celebration of a secular ceremony, do not hesitate to contact us